I am linking up for Teacher Week 2013 with Blog Hoppin.
I missed yesterday's "Let's Talk About Me!" so I am going to catch up on that first. I am going to post the top 10 things about me.
1. I love Jesus! He is my Lord and Savior without whom I would be lost!
2. I am a sibling to 4 others. I have three sisters and one brother. I am the baby!
3. I choreograph for cheerleading teams in my area.
4. I have an obsession with zebra and chevron!
5. I am a fitness enthusiast! I work out everyday! I wear a heart rate monitor so I know how many calories I burned versus what I consume.
6. I play the piano for my church.
7. I love spending time with my nieces and nephews.
8. I have danced since I was 3 years old. I used to coach an all star dance team.
9. Pre-K is my passion. I couldn't imagine any other grade.
10. I have been teaching for 8 years!
Now onto my classroom...I posted it yesterday as my Monday Made It so if you have already seen it I apologize. If not, click on the picture below to see my Jungle themed classroom.
I am off to check off the other wonderful classrooms posted today!