This week at school we read Mouse Paint to begin our unit on colors. The kids always love this book.
We completed lots of color activities to go with our color unit.
Color Carnation Experiment:
We put water in the cups, added lots of food coloring, and placed carnations in the cup. The students predicted what would happen to the flowers. We got some pretty crazy ideas but most thought they would grow big and tall. The next morning when we returned to school we looked at the flowers and discussed how they changed colors.
Mixing Colors Experiment:
This idea I got off of Pinterest but the original pin is from

We put water in the two outside cups. We added the blue and yellow food coloring. We placed the paper towels in the yellow and blue water and watched the colors quickly run up the paper towel. We put the other end of the paper towels into the empty cup. We talked about the colors and what we thought would happen. We left the cups overnight and the next morning the children were excited to see we made the color green.
Some students drew his or her observation of the experiment and told me what happened during small group time. I love at the beginning of the year when students are so attached to their symbols and think it is a part of their name and draw it on their papers. Too cute!!
Nature Color Hunt
We used paint strips from the store to find colors outside on our playground environment. The students did a great job collecting items that were the color of the paint strips they were given. We made a poster with the colors and objects to hang in our science center. I forgot to take a picture of it before leaving school Friday.
We also read A Color Of Its Own and described what color we would be if we landed on the object we were holding and changed colors like a chameleon. We read Where Is The Green Sheep? and predicted where we thought he would be before finishing the story. I had one who guessed it right! She was so happy!!
Enjoy your weekend.