
Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Made It 2016

Yay! It is summer time and time for Monday Made It with Tara. Click the button below to visit her blog and see everyone's creative ideas. 


  My made it for this week is to help keep my overwhelmed self organized. I coach cheerleading and do private tumbling lessons in the summer. So I am super busy every day. I made a calendar to help me keep myself on track. I printed the calendar and will take it to school and bind it so I will be able to keep up with everything! Cuteness always makes me feel better. 

Be sure to check out all of the other Made Its from this week! 


  1. Oh to be organized!!! I have planners and lists and lists in my planners and still manage to be #hotmessexpress! Thanks for linking up:)

    1. I love the #hotmessexpress. I need to use that one!

    2. I love that #hotmessexpress. It fits me to a tee most of the time!!!

  2. I always enjoy getting things organized to get organized more than the actual organizing... does that make sense? Haha! Hope your cute planner is also helpful!

    1. Yes it makes perfect sense. So far so good. I have this week filled in and ready to go! Wish me luck.

  3. I am trying to use a calendar planner to be more organized. I am so tired of all those stickies lying about!!
