Well our beach trip saw more rain than I expected so that left me with time for Monday Made Its! I am linking up with Tara at 4thGradeFrolics.

This is my small group board. I have four small groups. Two are teacher directed and two are independent unless I have a student teacher. I will use Velcro and attach the students pictures and they will move as needed. I just bought a foam board and cut it down to 20 X 20 then added glitter scrapbook paper.

My second made it is coordinating baskets for my small group tables. I used the same scrapbook paper and attached it to the basket with double sided tape. I also laminated it for durability. My Pre-K students can look at the board to see what color they are on and where they will work that day. It works very well. I got my baskets from the Dollar Tree.

My next made it is my classroom rules in aqua chevron. I am really excited about these and cannot wait to utilize them in my classroom. If you would like you can download them as a FREEBIE from my TpT store. Just click on the image above.

My next made it is not for school. I updated and organized my workout book as well as made my workout calendar. I cannot show the workouts because they are not mine. However if you are someone who needs workouts you can do right at home then I suggest you check out Taylor Ryan at Fit Womens Weekly! She is fantastic. It is 19.95 a month and you can do most workouts without any equipment and just your body. My friend lost 100 lbs using her workouts!
I cannot wait to see what everyone else has posted. I am off to check them out. Have a great Monday!