
Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Made It YAY!

I am linking up with Tara for the GREAT Monday Made It! It kept me so organized and on top of things last year. I cannot wait to see how it goes this summer!

Monday Made It #1: Book Bin Labels

 I HATED the way my bookshelves fell apart organization wise last school year. So I am determined to make this work better for myself. I created these labels in word with clip art and I am going to attach them to my baskets whenever I decide on one I like. Everything that I have tried so far has either been too big or not big enough. It must be cute too!

 Monday Made It #2: Wedding Fan

My friend Kelly decided she wanted wedding fans last minute for her wedding this Saturday. So I suggested we just make something simple and save some money. Here is my creation. She absolutely loved it which is all that matters anyway!

 Monday Made It #3: Wedding Survival Kit

I saw this in Davids Bridal website and decided I could make one of these on my own. I purchased lots of things that we could either forget and need at the lake house or things that could just come in handy in case of an accident. 

Have a great Monday and enjoy everyone's creations.


  1. I love the wedding survival kit! That would be fun to make for my cousin who is getting married. What types of things did you put in it? Thanks for sharing your projects :)

    Miss A's Kindergarten

    1. It has band aids, clear nail polish, shout wipes, lint roller, static guard spray, toothbrush and toothpaste, bobby pins, nail clippers, Kleenex, deodorant, chap stick, contact solution, germ x. Pinterest has a few lists that gave me the ideas. Glad I could inspire someone!


  2. I love the labels and the wedding survival kit is great!

  3. Love the labels and the wedding survival kit. Our son is getting married in October, so need to put this on my to do list!!

  4. Love the wedding survival kit. My best friends are getting married later this summer. I am going to have to make one for them. :)

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
