
Friday, February 8, 2013

Five For Friday

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the Five for Friday recap of my week! Be sure to check out everyone's links as well. I always enjoy seeing how everyone has spent their week in education.


 1. Spiral Tubes

We added these tubes to our science center this week and they have been a huge hit. The students have enjoyed stretching, connecting, and creating various sculptures across the classroom floor.

2. Princess and The Pea - Number and Quantity

We were inspired by Mrs. Goff's Pre-K Tales and her picture on pinterest found here to enhance our fairy tale unit. We counted mattresses and put them on the bed and wrote the number of mattresses on the line. 

  3. Castle Building

We viewed castles from various places around the world. We identified the shapes used to build them. My students soared with the concept of castle building and let their creative juices flow. Two of my boys worked all of center time to build this castle. I loved the excitement on their faces with their finished product.

4. Capes and Crowns

 We used boys XL t-shirts and cut them out to make capes. The students used stamps to decorate their capes. We also glued hearts on a sentence strip upside down to make a crown. The students used foam squares as "jewels" to create an AB or ABC pattern on their crown. We wore these during center time and they had a blast!

 5. Favorite Book Character Day

On Friday we dressed up like our favorite book character. My students were great! I had knights, Peter Pan, Woody, The Big Bad Wolf, Pinkalicious, Ladybug, and many princesses. I dressed up like Mary Poppins since it has always been one of my favorite books and movies. I think I like the play on Broadway the best!

I am so glad it is Friday! I am looking forward to some rest! Have a great weekend!


  1. I really like that idea of the mattress count for Princess and the Pea. Your costume was fabulous. I bet your kiddos loved it!

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thanks! The Princess and the Pea went really well!!

  2. I love your costume! What a fun idea!

    1. Thank you! It just came together at the last minute.

  3. I used to teach preK and miss those little ones! Love your costume.

    Extra Special Teaching

    1. Thank you! I couldn't imagine any other group of little ones to teach!

  4. I love the kids' castle, so much thinking going on. Your costume is so cute. I am your newest follower.

    The First Grade Princess
