
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Digs and Meet The Teacher Late

I am linking up for Teacher Week 2013 with Blog Hoppin.


I missed yesterday's "Let's Talk About Me!" so I am going to catch up on that first. I am going to post the top 10 things about me.

1. I love Jesus! He is my Lord and Savior without whom I would be lost!
2. I am a sibling to 4 others. I have three sisters and one brother. I am the baby! 
3. I choreograph for cheerleading teams in my area. 
4. I have an obsession with zebra and chevron!
5. I am a fitness enthusiast! I work out everyday! I wear a heart rate monitor so I know how many calories I burned versus what I consume. 
6. I play the piano for my church.
7. I love spending time with my nieces and nephews.
8. I have danced since I was 3 years old. I used to coach an all star dance team.
9. Pre-K is my passion. I couldn't imagine any other grade. 
10. I have been teaching for 8 years!

Now onto my classroom...I posted it yesterday as my Monday Made It so if you have already seen it I apologize. If not, click on the picture below to see my Jungle themed classroom. 

I am off to check off the other wonderful classrooms posted today!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Made It -- Classroom Reveal

 I am linking up with Tara from Fourth Grade Frolics for Monday Made It. This week I am sharing my classroom and all the things we created to make our room ready for school.

This is the door to my classroom. My paraprofessional did a FABULOUS job! 

My paraprofessional did this cute tree as well. She is very artistic!

 Here is my small group board and Our Daily Schedule board.

 These are the zebra chairs in my book center where our alphabet is displayed.

 This is our daily attendance board. The children attach their pictures to their name to show they are present.

This is a special spot for work inside our classroom. It helps hide some of the ugly yellow walls surrounding me. I hung zebra taped binder clips to hold the art work on the wall but they are not in this picture. 

This is the information station for parents. Our parents have to walk their children in daily and sign them in as well.

A view from the door to my classroom. This is one half of my room.

Here is the art center.

Here is the book center.

Here is the science center.

Here is the art center. We start the year with just a few items on the shelves until we teach appropriate procedures of how to use each material.

Here is our Safe Place where children can go when upset right next to our lovely cots. I have a love hate relationship with them.

Jungle Number Wall

Calendar Area

House center

Math center

Block center

A view of the circle time area from the block center.

Here are my students cubbies. I have four of these in my classroom. The pink cart is my small group, instructional activity, and large group organization.

Our classroom rules

There is my classroom for the 2013-2014 school year! I am in love with it.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Five For Friday


I am linking up to share five things about my week. 


1. We read this wonderful book on our first day back and made a class book. It was a HUGE hit. My kiddos LOVED it!!

2.I survived my first week back at school! We had three days with students and they went very well.


3. I love this cute saying. Teaching is a work of heart! It is definitely true. Someone posted it on Facebook and I decided I need to make a print out of that for my classroom to frame.

35 different push-ups to work your entire body. Tone, strengthen and burn calories. Best body weight move for beginners and advanced.
4. I would not have survived without my exercise routine this week. It allowed me to relieve some stress and refocus each day. Taylor Ryan at Lifting Revolution shared these wonderful push up variations and challenged her readers to choose ten different ones and complete ten reps. I am glad to say I completed that goal!!

5. I finished my classroom. The reveal will come next week but I wanted to share one of my boards that turned out really cute! I used Chevron new favorite. The glitter clothespins have magnets attached and will hold student art work.

Have a great weekend! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Made It

I am linking up for Monday Made It with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics. Since I have gone back to school my time has been cut drastically. I still have so many things I want to get done.


 I needed a small and quick way to display the alphabet in my book center that wouldn't take up lots of space. I already made the chevron circles for book bin tags but changed my idea on using them for that so I decided to write letters on them instead. Sorry my picture is blurry. I used my phone.

I LOVE my new painting. I didn't measure right on the left hand side so the down is longer and I was way too far into it when I realized it so oh well. I still love how it turned out the black glitter helps it pop! I am going to hang this in my room at my house. I think I am going to frame it so I won't see that extra on the side. 

Have a great Monday. I am working away in my classroom today! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Liebster Award

Thanks to Katie at EC Autism Class for nominating me for the Liebster Award. 
The Liebster Award is for blogs with less than 200 followers in order to promote that blog, show appreciation, and hopefully draw more followers. To accept this nomination, you need to do a few things first. 

1. Link to the person who nominated you. 
2. Answer questions from your nominator. 
3. Share 11 random facts about yourself. 
4. Nominate five or more blogs with less than 200 followers. 
5. Pose questions to your nominees. 

Here are the questions from my nominator.
1. What's your favorite part of your job?
The kids. I love teaching for them. They always put a smile on my face no matter what is going on in my life.
2. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?
Salty foods....give me a bag of chips! 
3. What are 3 of your favorite online shopping websites?
4. What is your pet peeve?
When someone smack their lips while you are giving instructions. It usually happens during cheerleading camps! It bugs me and always gives them more conditioning! 
5. Who is your favorite author? 
Karen Kingsbury
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Paris because I have always wanted to go there! 
7. What is something you learned recently?
 I learned what Washi tape was and it is my newest addiction!
8. What do you like most about blogging?
Getting inspiration and ideas from other bloggers.
9. Name one school supply you could not live without.
Mr. Sketch markers - shame on me I haven't bought myself any this year yet! 
10. What's your favorite thing about your classroom? 
My decor is jungle theme and I love it because of the zebra print.
My 11 Random Facts
1. I play the piano for my church.
2. I choreograph cheerleading routines. 
3. I have danced since I was 3 years old.
4.  I eat lots of fruit.
5. I workout ALL the time.
6. I am not married. It is just me and Jesus for now while he prepares my prince charming.
7.  I love anything heart shaped or zebra print.
8. I do not cook very often.
9. I am obsessed with glittery things. They are so beautiful.
10. I go back to work on Thursday.
11. Diet Mtn. Dew all day long!

 My Nominees are:

1. My Silly Firsties
2. Spotted In First Grade
3. First Grade Spies
4. Mrs. Wilson's Class 
5. 1st Grade Owls 

My Questions for Nominees...

1. What is your drink of choice for teaching?
2. How long have you been teaching?
3. What is your favorite candy?
4. What is your favorite part about blogging?
5. Your number one must have back to school supply is...
6. What inspired you to teach?
7. Where would you love to go on a dream vacation?
8. What is your funniest classroom memory?
9. What is your favorite color?
10.  What has been your best back to school find this year?